Skyscraper Safety Campaign Technical Advisory Panel
Prof. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, Ph.D., P.E.
is a licensed Professional Engineer and is a Professor of Structural
Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He has more than
36 years of experience in structural design and construction primarily on
buildings and bridges. His main areas of research, teaching and consulting
are structural engineering of steel and composite structures and
protection of buildings against natural hazards (earthquakes) and
terrorist attacks (blasts). In 1998, he was awarded the T.R. Higgins
Lectureship Award of the American Institute of Steel Construction, one of
the highest honors in his field. He has more than 180 publications on
structural engineering, earthquake engineering and blast-resistant design
of buildings and bridges. In the aftermath of the 9/11 WTC tragedy,
funded by the National Science Foundation, he conducted a field
investigation and analysis of the collapsed towers. In 2002, he testified
before the Committee on Science of The House of Representatives on his
research on WTC.
Email: astaneh@ce.berkeley.edu
Web site: http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~astaneh
John C. Calderón, RA, AIA is a registered
architect and the principal of "J.C. Calderón Architect" in New
York City. He received his Master of Architecture degree from
Yale University and his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Williams
College. His firm specializes in small to large size projects
including commercial, institutional and residential. In response
to 911, Mr. Calderón contributed presentations at three NYC
Building Department Public Forums: The 2002 World Trade Center
Building Code Task Force Public Forum: "Why Architects Need to
Support Changes to the Building Codes"; the 2003 Mayoral Code
Commission Public Forum: "Why Architects Need to Support Adoption
of the International Building Code"; and the 2004 NYC Model Code
Program Public Forum. The presentations may be viewed under
"Publications" at www.nyc.gov/html/dob
He is also the former co-host journalist for Latino Journal with
Santiago Nieves on WBAI, Pacifica Radio in New York. They were
among the first to interview Sally Regenhard & the Skyscraper
Safety Campaign in NYC. Mr. Calderon has been an invited critic at
the Yale School of Architecture, City College School of
Architecture in New York City and Pratt Institute School of
Architecture in Brooklyn and has traveled to Barcelona, Spain as a
Guest Lecturer on the architecture of Antonio Gaud’ for the
Williams College Continuing Education Travel Program.
Email: jcc@jccarchitect.com
Web site: http://www.jccarchitect.com
Andrew C. Casper, Chief of Department, San Francisco Fire
Department (Ret.) has over 30 years of professional experience in the
fields of Firefighting and Emergency Management and Building Evacuation
Procedures for high-rise buildings. In addition to the S.F.F.D., he has
held positions with FEMA as Division Director at the Emergency Management
Institute, and as the Executive Director of the Foundation for Fire
Safety in Washington, D.C. He has conducted Management studies of fire
departments throughout the U.S. and in Australia, and has investigated
major disasters for the U.S. Fire Administration. He has trained over
1,000 high rise building Fire Safety Directors for certification. He is
currently a private consultant in High Rise Fire Safety and Emergency
Preparedness and is the author of numerous articles on fire safety,
evacuation procedures and related topics.
Email: sffirechief@aol.com
Prof. Glenn Corbett is a licensed Fire Protection
Engineer and is Assistant Professor of Fire Science at John Jay College in
New York City. He is currently Captain of a Bergen County, New Jersey
Volunteer Fire Department, and is President of the New Jersey Society of
Fire Service Instructors. He is the Technical Editor of "Fire Engineering
Magazine" and was a member of the "America Burning" panel, commissioned by
former President Clinton and James Lee Witt, former FEMA Director. This
panel studied the field of Fire Protection and Firefighting throughout the
USA. Prof. Corbett possesses over a decade of experience in Fire
and Building Code enforcement procedures. He is a member of the Federal
Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Federal Investigation of the Collapse of the WTC . He has advised
the 9-11 Commission on technical aspects of Fire Science and the Fire
Service. Prof. Corbett has testified before Congress, State Legislatures,
and before the City Council of NY on 9/11 related issues of Firefighter
and Public Safety . He is a member of the NYC Building Code Task force
and advises the FDNY and NYC Dept of Buildings on Code revision and
Email: gcorbet1@ix.netcom.com
Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn, FDNY (Ret.) is a 42-year
veteran of the New York City Fire Department. He was Deputy Chief and
previously served as Division Commander for Midtown Manhattan. He
developed the National Fire Academy "Command and Control of Fire
Department Major Operation" course, and wrote the Collapse Rescue
Procedure used by FDNY Rescue Companies. He is a lecturer; is the author
of the text and video series: "Collapse of Burning Buildings" and the
text "Safety and Survival on the Fire Ground" as well as numerous
articles on all aspects of firefighter safety. He holds a Master's
Degree in Urban Studies, a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and an
Associate's Degree in Fire Administration and is a nationally acclaimed
expect in the fields of fire safety and building collapse.
Email: vincentdunn@earthlink.net
Prof. Kathleen A. Dunne, P.E., R.A. is a full
professor at Pratt Institute School of Architecture in Brooklyn, NY and
Coordinator of the Technology Curriculum. She teaches in the
Structures sequence as well as the Materials and Methodologies of
Construction sequence. Prof. Dunne is a licensed Professional
Engineer and Registered Architect with over 25 years of experience as a
consulting structural engineer. She is a partner in Dunne &
Markis Consulting Structural Engineers in Riverdale, NY. Her firm
specializes in consulting to architects on small to medium size projects
including commercial, educational, institutional and residential
projects. The firm has participated in restoration work on many
landmark structures.
Email: KADCDF@aol.com
Roger Morse AIA is a licensed architect and President of
Morse Associates, a firm specializing in forensic building investigations
and environmental consulting. Mr. Morse graduated from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of
Architecture. He is the principal author of numerous design guides,
guide specifications, articles, and has served on numerous panels for
Email: rgmorse@morse-associates.com
Jack J. Murphy is a Fire Protection consultant in New York
City. He is the past president of the New York City High-Rise Fire
Safety Directors Association. He was the Fire Safety Director for the
New York Hospital/Cornell Burn Center and a vice-president for Corporate
Fire and Life Safety with Citigroup. He is the author of many fire
safety articles and the book: "Rapid Incident Command" (Fire Engineering,
l998). He is an advisory board member of Fire Engineering, and the
education coordinator and advisory board member of the Fire Department
Instructors Conference (FDIC). He also serves on the FDNY Fire Safety
Foundation Board of Directors and was a member of the FDNY Industrial
Advisory Board.
Email: JJMAssociates@nj.rr.com
Jake Pauls, CPE. Beginning with 20 years at the National
Research Council of Canada, and now having 35 years of experience in
research, codes/standards development, public health advocacy and
consulting, Jake Pauls currently serves on several national committees in
the USA involved with standards and model codes for building and design.
For seven committees he represents the American Public Health
Association. Educated in architecture and certified in ergonomics, he is
well known for bridging among ergonomics, public health and development
of codes and standards for building use and safety. A focus for much of
this work is stairway safety and usability including stairway use in
major evacuations such as with the World Trade Center for which he
co-directs an international initiative on evacuation research.
Email: BLDGUSE@aol.com
Norman Siegel, Attorney, is the former Director of the
American Civil Liberties Union, and is the counsel for the Skyscraper
Safety Campaign.
Email: siegelnorman@aol.com
Prof. Michael Trencher, RA is a registered architect and
tenured professor of architecture at the School of Architecture, Pratt
Institute, Brooklyn, New York. He has taught at Pratt for more than 30
years, concentrating in design, building technology and the works of the
Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto. He has held numerous administrative and
academic posts and continues to lecture and coordinate the Materials and
Construction sequence. He has authored "The Alvar Aalto Guide" published
by Princeton Architectural Press, contributed the majority of photographs
and the forward to "Alvar Aalto: Masterworks" by Universe/Rizzoli Press,
and numerous articles and talks on Aalto's works. He is also a private
architectural consultant in NYC. As a professional, an academic and a
New Yorker, he is particularly interested in the ramifications of the WTC
disaster on architectural design and practice. He hopes to integrate the
lessons learned into professional and academic arenas and hopes to
positively affect the future generations of architectural designers and
the welfare of the public.
Email: heumantrencher@mindspring.com
Dr. James Quintiere is the John L. Bryan Professor of Fire
Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland. He has spent 25
years in fire research and teaching, and has investigated numerous fire
disasters, including the Branch Davidian Compound fire in Waco, Texas and
the 1986 New Year's Eve Dupont Plaza fire in Puerto Rico. Prof.
Quintiere's testimony during the civil trial on the Waco tragedy was
pivotal to the jury's conclusion that the fires were not the result of
federal authorities' actions. He is a Professor at the University of
Maryland, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, which offers the
nation's only fully accredited undergraduate program and one of two
graduate degree programs in Fire Protection Engineering in the USA.
Email: jimq@eng.umd.edu
Catherine Sally Regenhard is the founder and Chairperson
of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign. Her son, Probationary Firefighter
Christian Regenhard, stationed in Red Hook, Brooklyn, was in one of the
first groups to respond to the WTC. He and his entire Engine Company 279
remain missing to this date. She is the former Corporate Director of
Community Outreach and Advertising for the Hebrew Hospital Home of the
Bronx and Westchester. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral
Sciences and a Master's Degree in Gerontology and has worked in the
Nursing Home field for nearly two decades. She has been a well known
community activist for 25 years, has been a member of Community Planning
Board 10 in the Bronx, and is currently Vice-President of the Coalition
of Residents and Merchants of Co-op City, in addition to numerous other
civic positions. She is a private consultant, and most recently, worked
on the Bloomberg Mayoral Campaign in NYC (as a volunteer).
Monica Gabrielle is Co-Chairperson of the Skyscraper
Safety Campaign. Her husband, Rich, an insurance executive for Aon
Corporation, was located on the 103rd Floor of 2 World Trade Center at
the time of the terrorist attacks. He was killed during the collapse and
his remains have not been recovered. Until September 11th, she worked for
Morgan Anderson Consulting, marketing communications management
consultants. Since then, she has devoted her time to writing and public
speaking as well as media presentations on behalf of the SSC. Her
activism is devoted to making the changes necessary to prevent a repeat
of 9/11.
Email: monicagabrielle@earthlink.net