Public Forum Notification: WTC Building Code Task Force
Tuesday, August 13th 9:00am - 6:00pm
Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, One Bowling Green, NYC
On August 13, 2002, Skyscraper Safety Campaign members and Professional Advisory Panel
testified at the NYC Department of Buildings WTC Building Code Task Force Public Meeting,
held at the US Customs House, Bowling Green, NYC. They called for widespread reform of the
NYC Building Code, and for Safety, Quality, Security, and NY Code compliance in new WTC
First Row - (L to R): J.C. Calderón, AIA; Sally Regenhard, SSC Chair; Christina Regenhard, SSC; Monica Gabrielle, SSC Co-chair; 9/11 family member
Second Row - (L to R): Beverly Eckert, 9/11 Voices; Edwina Juillet, SSC ;Jack Murphy, Fire Safety Directors Assn.; Norman Siegel, SSC counsel; 9/11 family member
Third Row - (L to R): Prof.Glenn Corbett, SSC; Jake Pauls, CPE; Roger Morse, AIA

On March 19th, the Department of Buildings convened the
World Trade Center Building Code Task Force. The Task Force consists of an
eleven-member executive committee and five working groups focused on
structural strength, fire protection, emergency evacuation, mechanical
systems, and DOB operations. Using available information and research, the
working groups are reviewing current building design, construction and
operating requirements to determine if modifications are needed to ensure
public safety in new and existing buildings.
Thus far, the Task Force and its working groups have
gathered input from other government entities, professional design and
engineering associations, the construction industry, private real estate
owners, private and academic experts, and individuals directly affected by
the events of September 11th, including emergency services personnel and
victims' families. The Task Force has heard presentations from
eyewitnesses and experts and reviewed inspection reports, news articles,
research reports and, in some cases, empirical test results.
To ensure that the Task Force receives input from groups
affected by the events of September 11th and anyone potentially affected
by changes to the building code, the Task Force will be holding a public
forum. This forum will allow groups that are not currently a part of the
Executive Committee or its working groups to present their concerns and
Location and Date
The forum will be held in the auditorium of the Alexander
Hamilton U.S. Custom House, One Bowling Green, New York, NY, 10004 on
Tuesday, August 13th, from 9:00AM to 6:00PM.
How to Participate
Individuals and representatives of organizations who would
like to offer comments and suggestions are invited to request a place on
the agenda. The number of requests will determine the total number of
speakers and organizations, and the time available for each. The time for
each presentation is likely to be 5 to 10 minutes. To request an
opportunity to speak, DOB must receive the following information via
e-mail (WTCBCTF@buildings.nyc.gov) or fax (212-566-3784) no later than 5
p.m. on Aug. 6, 2002:
- The name and contact information (including
phone number, fax number and/or e-mail address) of the individual who
will be speaking;
- The name and complete address of the
organization(s) that the speaker represents; and
- A 150- to 200-word summary of key points to be
made by the speaker relating to the areas of concern that the working
groups are addressing.
Selections will be made based on how well the proposed
presentation addresses the working group areas of focus (published at
http://www.nyc.gov/html/dob/wtc.html) in order to ensure a representative
sample of groups submitting requests. Those who are selected to speak will
be contacted by noon on August 8, 2002, using the contact information
provided. An open comment period for the public to make comments will be
allotted on a first-come first serve basis.
Speakers who wish to expand upon their oral statements,
those who wish to speak but cannot be accommodated on the agenda, and
those who are unable to attend in person are invited to submit written
statements and supporting material to: The WTC Building Code Task Force,
NYC Department of Buildings, 280 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10007,
WTCBCTF@buildings.nyc.gov, Fax: 212-566-3784.
Statements made at the meeting and/or submitted to the
Task Force may be recorded, transcribed and made available to the public
at a later date.
On March 19, 2002 the NYC Department of Buildings convened
the World Trade Center Building Code Task Force. The Task Force consists
of an eleven-member executive committee and five working groups focused on
structural strength, fire protection, emergency evacuation, mechanical
systems, and DOB operations. Using available information and research, the
working groups are reviewing current building design, construction and
operating requirements to determine if modifications are needed to ensure
public safety in new and existing buildings. The findings and
recommendations adopted by the Executive Committee will be forwarded to
the Commissioner by the end of December 2002.
Many topics and issues considered by the working groups
will require extensive scientific, economic and social research. In these
instances the working group will refer these concerns to the appropriate
scientific or standards organization (such as the National Institute of
Science and Technology). In some instances, the efficacy and viability of
particular standards and requirements are known and can be recommended by
the Task Force immediately. These long- and short-term areas of focus that
the Task Force and its working groups are considering are outlined below.
Specific Areas of Focus
Structural Strength
The robustness and integrity of structural elements is a
significant concern for the Task Force. This working group is reviewing
structural design requirements and the interrelated elements that
contribute to structural robustness and redundancy in areas throughout
typical buildings. Among the issues and recommendations being considered,
the working group is actively evaluating the following recommendation:
- Incorporation of revised progressive collapse
requirements into the NYC Building Code.
Fire Protection
Active and passive fire protection systems are a
significant part of any building design. This working group is reviewing
these design, construction and operating requirements to determine if they
currently provide sufficient protection from the effects of fire and
support subsequent attempts to control fire events. Among the issues and
recommendations being considered, the working group is actively evaluating
the following recommendations:
- Retroactive installation of sprinklers in Occupancy Group E buildings over 75 feet in height within a 15 year period.
- Enhancing Fire Department emergency response communications in high-rise buildings.
- Requiring a "Critical Building Information Card" in all buildings over 75 feet in height.
Emergency Evacuation
In some instances evacuation from an area or a building is
required to protect the life-safety of its occupants. Supporting efficient
and effective evacuation requires designers, building operators and
emergency response personnel to consider numerous physical, psychological
and temporal factors. Among the issues and recommendations being
considered, the working group is actively evaluating the following
- Evacuation planning for non-fire events in buildings over 75 feet in height.
- Enhance marking of stairs and exits.
- Protection of elevator vestibules with fire rated separations in all new construction.
Mechanical Systems
Mechanical systems support and sometimes connect virtually
every part of a building. These systems should support occupant safety in
both normal and emergency conditions. Among the issues and recommendations
being considered, the working group is actively evaluating the following
- Controlled access to HVAC mechanical areas
- Above grade location of air intake for all new construction.
DOB Operations
Changes to DOB policy, procedures and operations will be
considered to implement any of the Task Force recommendations.
Special Note to Firefighters, Unions, FF Fraternal
SUGGESTIONS: Submit the Summary, and Put Your
Money Where Your Mouth Is! You wanted to have input - THIS IS IT!
The Families of the Victims & The Skyscraper Safety
Campaign Have Called for Reform: NOW IT IS UP TO YOU TO COME FORWARD
FAMILY MEMBERS & Coalition of 911 Families: Even if you
do not apply to speak, we need you to attend this most important
Note: If you cannot attend in person, read the
attached Instructions, and submit your statement according to the WTC
Building Code Task Force Guidelines.